The Welsh Ultramarathon Calendar 2022
It’s been a long time coming, and finally the Welsh ultra calendar is now updated, delayed partly due to the uncertainty over the last year or so and the persistent cancellations. Hopefully we are out of the woods now.
There may be a few ultramarathons missing such as the Born to Run event in Llanelli but I couldn’t find any info. If anyone does know about any events not included here you can drop me a line with some details or you can add the event yourself through the add event tab on the navigation bar.
If you or someone you know is running an ultra in Wales (or anywhere really) and would like to write something about the experience, let us know. We are keen to support the organisers and the sport of ultrarunning in Wales through this website.
Ultrarunning World magazine is also soliciting material for future editions and exposes articles to an international audience. The magazine is free and free to subscribe to. There is also produce a paper version too available from the shop on Ultrarunning World.
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